Our curriculum is based around the National Curriculum 2014.
Please use the links below to find out what our children will be taught.
The Curriculum at Leyburn Primary School
“In a democratic society which prizes equality of opportunity, the curriculum should be based first and foremost on the knowledge we consider all young people should have the access to and begin to acquire during the school years”
Michael Young
The core purpose of education at our school is to provide all pupils with experiences and opportunities which will enable them to achieve and excel. We want children to leave our school possessing essential knowledge and the skills to use it, so that they have the best possible preparation for the next stage of their education and are ready to participate successfully in society.
Access to this storehouse of general knowledge, sometimes referred to as ‘cultural literacy’, will help all our pupils to engage fully and to think critically and independently. It is at the heart of the education which we provide.
The national curriculum is one very important part of the children’s education and we view it as a set of aspirational standards, as opposed to a scheme of work. We know that there is a lot of content, and not enough time, and so aim to make meaningful links between subjects wherever possible.
We intend for the whole curriculum to be coherent and cumulative for all children, regardless of background or ability. The curriculum content in all subjects is carefully and thoughtfully structured, so that rich and powerful knowledge builds within and across year groups, supporting, deepening and extending learning. This means that each pupil’s ‘road map’ during their time with us, builds on their previous knowledge and lays firm foundations for what they need to know next. This includes in the short term as pupils and the longer term as responsible young people in the wider world.
Curriculum review and development are fundamental and ongoing, informed by current research and best practice. Following a period of focus on the improvement of key knowledge and skills in English, maths, science and physical education, we have turned our attention to the systematic development of knowledge across all the national curriculum subject disciplines, including spiritual, moral, social and cultural education, with a focus on the personal development of each child.
Children are provided with a positive start to school in Early Years, with supportive staff who nurture their development across all areas. They begin to develop their knowledge, thinking and skills through play-based activities and focused skills that develop their knowledge of phonics, number and other areas of learning which they will encounter as they move through school. Children learn to share and work independently and learn to play with others, through direct experience outside, in the local area and the wider community. As our curriculum has the acquisition of knowledge at its heart, we ensure that pupils are supported throughout their learning to remember connected and essential knowledge as they progress into KS1 and then further into KS2.
A lead teacher is assigned to each subject. Their task, working with colleagues, is to regularly monitor whether our aims are being realised and translated into powerful learning for the children.
It is crucial that teachers are confident in their own knowledge. They are provided with continuing professional development and are supported to join subject networks and make associations with colleagues within YCAT and other schools.
We implement an appropriately rigorous assessment regime and data collection to ensure reasonable workload demands. Although important, measuring and checking progress is much more than tracking groups and producing charts and percentages. It is also about catching up, filling gaps, deepening understanding and overcoming barriers.
Same day intervention is used across the school to check progress, addressing misconceptions as soon as they arise. We aim for all children to ‘keep up, not catch up’ and so this is an important aspect of our work. Arrangements are in place to identify and support children with additional needs.
As we review our teaching and learning in the foundation subjects, we are also developing high challenge, low risk assessments, such as quizzes and word searches, to check progress across a set of lessons. A coherent and cumulative curriculum rests upon children’s prior, current and future learning and so assessment for, and of learning, are integral to ensure that children achieve the ambitious aims that the school and their parents have for them.
Our curriculum is responsive, kept under regular review and updated when necessary.
Local curriculum
“A human life, I think, should be well rooted in some spot of native land…for whatever will give that early home a familiar unmistakable difference amidst the future widening of knowledge.’’ Daniel Deronda by George Eliot
We are keenly aware that we serve a deeply rural community with a proud heritage which is changing and growing rapidly. The school welcomes families with strong local ties stretching back generations and others who have more recently moved into the area. We believe that every child should be taught about, and through, our local area, to instil in them a strong sense of their place in Wensleydale and North Yorkshire. Whilst valuing the locality, we also want our children to be ready for the pace of change and the world. Through learning outside the classroom, welcoming visitors to school and making visits to places of interest, knowledge can be enhanced and deepened as all children are helped to develop an appreciation of the natural world and their local, cultural and artistic heritage. Our curriculum aims to ensure a deep understanding of ‘British values’ and their centrality to our national identity having been hard won by previous generations. Children are encouraged to be active citizens and take responsibility within school and in the wider community. They volunteer in a range of roles and support local, national and global charities.
Reading and vocabulary
“Being a frequent reader is more of an advantage than having well educated parents and finding ways to engage students in reading may be one of the most effective ways to leverage social change” OECD 2013
Frequent readers are more likely to enjoy school and to be successful. A well-rounded education is the best means of attaining all-round reading skill and vice versa: they cannot be seen in isolation.
Vocabulary size is the single most reliable correlate to reading ability and so we systematically plan to teach subject specific vocabulary, thereby reducing any ‘word gaps’ as early as possible. The development of vocabulary is a fundamental feature of our early years teaching at Leyburn school. As the children move into key stage 1, it becomes an intrinsic aspect for each subject discipline and this continues into key stage 2.
Reading for enjoyment is a school priority and so we aim to ensure that our libraries are well resourced with high quality fiction and non-fiction books. Children are encouraged to read to extend both their vocabulary and knowledge as well as being introduced to new worlds and ideas. Phonics is taught systematically from Nursery to ensure that decoding is strong and we follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds from Reception onwards. Children are identified quickly and supported to keep up through carefully implemented interventions.
Developed and reviewed with all staff and governors .
Curriculum Planning and Overviews
We have developed a curriculum which is relevant, challenging and led by the interests and needs of the children. It is driven by the National Curriculum as well as local, national and international events.
We aim to make as much use of our local area as we can and plan for all children to take part in outdoor learning, local visits and cultural activities, such as cinema and theatre performances, where possible.
Curriculum for 2024 – 2025
In 2024, teaching and learning in Early Years and Key Stage 1 is organised as follows:
Children in Early Years Foundation Stage are taught in our Early Years unit which comprises of two classes, sometimes taught separately and sometimes together, depending upon the numbers.
Children begin nursery the term after they are three. They can attend a combination of mornings and afternoons across the week. In nursery, although the planned themes are those followed by the rest of the year groups, teaching and learning is very much responsive to the children’s needs and interests and follows the guiding principles of the statutory framework for the early years foundation stage.
Children in this year group continue to follow the Early Years’ Framework.
Curriculum in EYFS and Key Stage 1
The focus in these year groups is on the learning of key knowledge and the application of key skills. We are focussing particularly on reading and have chosen key texts carefully across all year groups to support children’s learning across the curriculum.
In 2024-25 the long term plans are as follows :
Lower Foundation Stage (Nursery) | Upper Foundation Stage (Reception) | Year 1 | Year 2 |
These plans then form the basis of medium term plans.
Curriculum in Key Stage 2
Teaching makes links with prior learning in previous years, as well as introducing new concepts and ideas. Planning covers the knowledge and skills in each subject for each year group and makes links across the curriculum, wherever possible. The yearly plans for each class are available below:
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
These plans then form the basis of medium term plans.
Our Curriculum
Please expand the topics below for more information
Art and Design
Our rationale for art and design can be found here.
The following units are taught each year:
Art and design long term plan – LFS to Y6
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
LFS Art |
Use drawings to represent ideas like movement & noise. Explore different materials. | Create closed shapes with continuous lines. |
Develop their own ideas. |
Join different materials and explore texture | Explore colour & colour mixing. Describing and exploring texture. | Add details to drawings. Show different emotions in their drawings |
UFS Art |
Clay- making diya lamps (Diwali) | Painting- sunflowers- linked to Van Gogh | Drawing using different media- observational | |||
Lot of opportunities for drawing and painting across the year | ||||||
Year 1 Art |
Clay – making a clay tile + painting it- Islam | Drawing – portraiture in the style of Gustav Klimt |
Painting – colour mixing, tints and shades – Georgia O’Keeffe L.O.T.C |
Year 2 Art |
Clay – making a clay tile + painting it- Islam | Drawing – portraiture in the style of Gustav Klimt |
Painting – colour mixing, tints and shades – Georgia O’Keeffe L.O.T.C |
Year 3 Art |
Drawing – still life. Giorgio Morandi |
Clay – Bowes Museum Roman clay pinch pot heads |
Painting – landscapes David Hockney |
Year 4 Art |
Scientific and Technical drawing Lucy Arnold & Charles Darwin |
Clay – Grayson Perry and Magdalene Odundo- coil pots |
Painting – Rivers Renoir & Leonid Afremov Tennants |
Year 5 Art |
Clay pinch pots- Animals |
Drawing perspectives- Gustave Caillebette |
Painting Guadi, Hundertwasser |
Year 6 Art |
Clay work Make my voice heard: make a clay head Kathe Kollowitz |
Painting- Making Ancient Greek clothing | Drawing- portraits- Frida Kahlo |
EYFS | KS1 | KS2 | |
Drawing | Drawing using different media- pencils/charcoal/pastels etc |
Portraits, landscapes Gustav Klimt, Lucy Pittaway |
Still life/portrait/perspective Giorgio Morandi, Lucy Arnold, Charles Darwin, Gustave Caillebette, Marianne North |
Painting | Van gogh |
Mix colours Kandinsky, Beatriz Milhazes, Georgia O’Keefe |
Landscape Rivers, Frida Kahlo, David Hockney, Renoir, Leonid Afremov, Tennants (y4) |
Clay | Clay leaf impressions, Clay tile | Clay head pots, coil pots, animal pinch pots, clay heads. Kathe Kollowitz, Grayson Perry and Magdalene Odundo, Bowes Museum (y3) |
Our rationale for computing can be found here.
The following units are taught each year:
Computing overview at Leyburn Primary School (NCCE)
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
FS | Interact with age-appropriate software linked to topics | |||||
Year 1 |
Technology around us |
Digital painting |
Digital writing | Grouping data |
Moving a robot |
Introduction to animation |
Year 2 |
Information technology around us Digital photography |
Robot algorithms |
Making music |
Programming quizzes Pictograms |
Year 3 |
Computing Systems and Networks |
Creating Media |
Programming A |
Data and Information |
Creating Media |
Programming B |
Year 4 |
Computing Systems and Networks – The Internet |
Creating Media – Photo Editing |
Programming A – Repetition in Shapes |
Data and Information – Data Logging |
Programming B – Repetition in games |
Creating Media – Audio Editing |
Year 5 |
Computer systems & networks – systems & searching |
Creating media – video production |
Programming A – selection in physical computing) |
Data & Information – flat-file databases |
Creating media- vector graphics |
Programming B – selection in quizzes |
Year 6 | Programming A – Variables |
Creating media – 3D modelling |
Creating media – Web page creating |
Data and information – spreadsheets |
Computing systems and networks |
Programming B |
British Values
Promoting Fundamental British Values
In accordance with The Department for Education, we aim to actively promote British values to prepare our students for life in modern Britain. Children are encouraged and supported to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and to understand that all people living in Great Britain are subject to its law.
The Key Values are:
- democracy
- rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
These are threaded throughout each curriculum area and are promoted more explicitly below:
Value | How We Promote It |
Democracy |
The rule of law |
Individual liberty |
Mutual respect |
Tolerance of different faiths, beliefs and of those who have no beliefs (Respect, tolerance and understanding) |
Our behaviour policy demands high expectations of pupil conduct and this is shared with and agreed by all pupils.
Approach to the teaching of reading at Leyburn Primary School
We follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised. Please click here for more information on this scheme.
Please refer to the phonics and early reading policy here.
In Early Years and KS1, whole class texts are carefully chosen to support and extend children’s knowledge of the world through the taught curriculum, knowledge of themselves and their own experiences and knowledge of story. These books are shared with adults, read independently by the children and sometimes used as a basis for writing.
As children begin to confidently apply phonics in order to become independent readers, there is a move away from group reading to whole class reading. This is now well established from the summer term in year 1.
Whole class reading structure
- Go through key vocabulary from the text (ask the children to say each word). Key words may also be written on the board.
- Read the text and children echo back. If it is a long text, the teacher may just read a section without the children echoing (but still following along). Check understanding where appropriate by asking retrieval questions after a longer section.
- Children practise reading themselves – this may involve partners reading a sentence and partner echoing it back then reading the next one. It could be a small group reading the text in unison, etc.
- Children answer questions based on text (could be a mixture of VIPERS or focusing on one particular skill).
- As an extension, children use some of the key vocabulary in a sentence of their own (to check understanding).
- Pre-reads with weaker readers are sometimes relevant, too, when they wouldn’t otherwise be able to access the text.
If we are focusing on a particular skill, one lesson might involve a shorter/easier text where the teacher models how to answer a question and the children write this down then apply it to a similar question. They may then find a partner and read out their answer so that the partner can magpie ideas and improve their own and vice versa. The next lesson would then be a harder text where the children then answer the same types of questions more independently (may still provide support for weaker readers).
KS2 have a whole class reading session at least three times every week for approximately 30 minutes. Texts are chosen based on the purpose of each session. For example, if the purpose is to retrieve information from a piece of non-fiction, then a text will be chosen that either recalls information learnt in the foundation subjects (or science), or that introduces the key vocabulary for the next sequence of learning. E.g. this half-term, our science focused on evolution so the week before we read a text about human evolution and focused on introducing the children to the key vocabulary. Texts are chosen that provide a challenge to all pupils and a pre-read is conducted for those who may require extra provision to understand the text in the main session (often by a TA during intervention times). Sometimes a less challenging text may be chosen when introducing a new question type so that the children can focus on knowing how to answer a question before then applying this to more challenging texts.
During writing sessions, a model text is used and this will often be introduced to the children at the start of the sequence of learning through echo reading so that we can pick apart its key features, structure, vocabulary, etc.
As a staff, we know that our own awareness of children’s literature is key to the development of reading across the school and so, in 2019-20, we started a Teachers’ Reading Group which meets regularly throughout the year. It has resumed in September 2021.
In addition to this, the children shadow the Children’s Book Award.
We believe in the value of books and the pleasure they can give. By ensuring a sound foundation in phonics, focussing on decoding and improving reading fluency we work hard to give children the skill to read. By using a wide range of texts, we aim to then give them the will read and to inspire their interest and enthusiasm in books and reading.
Early Years Foundation Stage
Our intent in EYFS is to work in partnership with parents, carers and other significant adults to encourage independent, confident and happy learners who thrive in a safe and secure environment and reach their full potential.
We aim to ensure that all children are ready for the next stage in their learning journey and transition into Reception then to Key Stage one.
In particular, we aim for all children to leave Reception using “Their knowledge of phonics to read accurately and with increasing speed and fluency” (OFSTED:2019) and with a developing life-long love of reading.
We also understand that the development of children’s spoken language underpins all areas of learning and development and therefore provide a language-rich environment where children acquire new vocabulary through conversation, story-telling and role play.
We plan an ambitious thematic curriculum in line with the Early Year Foundation Stage (EYFS) across the seven areas of learning. This builds on what children already know, developing their knowledge systematically through a practical, playful approach to learning, based on the needs and interests of all our children. Our classes’ aims set out a number of wide-ranging experiences we plan to give our children during their time in EYFS. Our learning environments, both inside and outside, are stimulating and exciting, and relevant to the needs and ages/stages of our children. A carefully planned environment promotes a calm atmosphere conducive to learning, whilst easily accessible resources develop children’s ability to access the curriculum independently. Through a combination of teacher input and continuous provision opportunities, learning is planned to encourage children to develop resilience and independent learning skills through exploration, challenge and the “Characteristics of effective learning” (CoEL).
The role of the adult is key in our EYFS in building close relationships, providing high quality interactions, developing language, stimulating children’s interests and responding to individual needs.
We understand the importance of Communication & Language and Literacy; they under-pin access to all areas of the National Curriculum. We follow ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds’ phonics programme for the teaching of systematic, synthetic phonics and early reading. Furthermore, all children are exposed to exciting and engaging opportunities to acquire a wide range of language and vocabulary. This includes the development of mathematical and subject specific vocabulary to ensure that all children are prepared for more complex future learning. We ensure all children are able to communicate effectively, including vulnerable children and those with SEND.
British Values are embedded within the EYFS and opportunities to further embed them are taken at every opportunity. For example, the children may vote for their favourite story or learn to understand and tolerate the views of their peers.
We use our ongoing assessments and observations of children to inform future planning for their next steps in learning, alongside a range of low stakes assessment methods designed to help children remember long term what they have been taught.
Children’s progress is continually monitored by the adults working them. All children have a ‘next step’ which is worked on regularly. Regular conversations with parents and carers are key to building a full picture of a child’s progress and development. Half-termly pupil progress reports are produced to show progress and highlight areas for concern and next steps.
Design and Technology
Our rationale for design and technology can be found here.
The following units are taught each year:
Design and Technology Long Term Plan
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Areas of provision – skills and tools |
Joining techniques – tape and glue Using tools |
Construction kits |
Construction kits |
Food |
Year 1 |
Mechanisms – slides and levers |
Food – preparing fruit and vegetables |
Food – preparing fruit and vegetables |
Structures – freestanding structures |
Year 2 textiles introduced |
Textiles – templates and joining techniques |
Food – cutting, grating and mixing |
Food – cutting, grating and mixing |
Mechanisms – wheels and axles |
Year 3 |
Textiles – 2D shape to 3D product |
Mechanical Systems – Levers and linkages |
Mechanical Systems – Levers and linkages |
Food-healthy and varied diet |
Year 4 electrical systems introduced |
Electrical systems simple programming and control
Mechanical systems – Pneumatics |
Structures- shell structure |
Year 5 |
Structures Frame structures |
Mechanical systems-Cams |
Textiles – Combining different fabric shapes |
Year 6 |
Food – Celebrating culture and seasonality |
Mechanical Systems – Pulleys or gears |
Electrical Systems – Monitoring and control |
Our rationale for history can be found here.
The following units are taught each year:
History Long Term Plan – LFS to Y6
History whole-school overview (NC PoS)
Aut 1 | Aut 2 | Spr1 | Spr2 | Sm1 | Sm2 | |
LFS | My history | |||||
Traditions Guy Fawkes, Remembrance, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter |
UFS | ||||||
Families and own lives – past & present events |
Local environment How have local buildings changed? What things are the same? |
Figures from the past Florence Nightingale/Mary Seacole/Grace Darling | ||||
Y1 |
How has life changed in living memory? Changes within living memory. Where appropriate, these should be used to reveal aspects of change in national life |
Kings, Queens and Leaders events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally (origins of monarchy/ parliament) |
Y2 |
Transport over time (1) Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality (Focus: railway) |
Transport over time (2) Explorers and Adventurers Neil Armstrong & Tim Peake the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national & international achievements. Compare aspects of life in different periods |
Y3 |
Prehistoric Britain Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age |
Roman Britain the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain |
Wonderful Wensleydale local history study |
Y4 |
Anglo-Saxons & Vikings Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and Scots |
Anglo-Saxons & Vikings 2 (incl. local history) the Viking and Anglo-Saxon struggle for the Kingdom of England to the time of Edward the Confessor |
Ancient Egypt the achievements of the earliest civilizations – an overview of where & when the first civilizations appeared |
Y5 |
Early Islamic Civilisation A non-European society that provides contrasts with British history : Early Islamic civilization, including a study of Baghdad
All change: The Victorians & Industrial revolution incl. local history (rise of railways (Leyburn, Richmond & Darlington) a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066 |
Y6 |
The world at war World Wars I and II A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066
Local history: How did the world war affect our |
Ancient Greek life and achievements Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world |
Click here to view the Geography Intent
Geography Long Term Plan – LFS to Y6
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | ||
LFS | What different occupation might adults have? | Can I talk about some different countries? | |||||
UFS | Where is my school? | What is around my school? | How is my life different from life in another country? | ||||
Year 1 | Where is Leyburn?
What is in our Market Place? |
What are the four countries and surrounding seas of the UK? | What are the seven continents & five oceans of the world? | ||||
Year 2 | What are the main features of Leyburn? | Where is Saltburn and what are its main features? | Where is Freetown and how is it similar or different to Leyburn and Saltburn? | ||||
Year 3 | What are the main features of UK?
What creates a rainforest and why are they located where they are? (S America) | What is special about the Yorkshire Dales National Park? | ||||
Year 4 | How is a river formed? | What are the main features of cities?
York |
Why do some many British people go to the Mediterranean for their holidays? | ||||
Year 5 | How are mountains formed and what causes an earthquake, tsunami or volcano? | What are the famous landmarks of North America? | What is the impact of tourism?
Richmond fieldwork |
Year 6 | What is ‘Fairtrade’ and why should it matter? | Why has Britain been an attractive place to live for many who were not born there? | Why is climate change such an important topic? |
Local and cultural curriculum
The school curriculum comprises all learning and other experiences that each school plans for its pupils.’
At Leyburn Primary School, we are committed to providing the children with a range of experiences throughout their time in the school. For example, since 2015, all children will visit the theatre and cinema annually. The is part of our ongoing curriculum development and we have referred to the two following documents in developing our plans:
Cultural Education : A summary of programmes and opportunities July 2013
Thinking about an Area Based Curriculum : A Guide for Practitioners Louise Thomas December 2012
Our rationale for mathematics can be found here.
Modern foreign language - French
Listening Curriculum Years-1-6
Our rationale for music can be found here.
Leyburn Primary School Music LTP
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Nursery Music is offered as part of continuous provision |
Listen to sounds. Respond to what they’ve heard |
Play instruments with increasing control |
Remember and sing songs. Match pitch. Attempt to sing a melodic shape. create own simple songs. |
Reception Music is offered as part of continuous provision |
Simple songs Explore the sounds of musical instruments |
Represent own ideas using music and dance |
Listen to music and dance from around the world |
Y1 |
Nursery rhymes and songs |
Christmas |
No Place Like- Kerry Andrews (BBC Ten Pieces) |
Finlandia- Sibelius (BBC Ten Pieces)
Y2 |
Nursery rhymes and songs |
Christmas |
Mars- Gustav Holst (BBC Ten Pieces) |
Lark Ascending-Vaughan Williams (BBC Ten Pieces)
Y3 |
New World Symphony- Dvorak (BBC Ten Pieces)
Little Train of the Caipira- Villa Lobos (BBC Ten Pieces) |
Recorder |
KS2 performance |
Y4 |
Recorder |
Rodeo Hoe down- Copeland (BBC Ten Pieces) |
Ride of the Valkyries-Wagner (BBC Ten Pieces) |
KS2 Performance
Y5 |
In the Hall of the Mountain King- Grieg (BBC Ten Pieces) |
The Firebird- Stravinsky (BBC Ten Pieces) |
Recorder |
KS2 Performance
Y6 |
Short Ride in a Fast Machine- Adams (BBC Ten Pieces) |
Earth- Hans Zimmer (BBC Ten Pieces) |
KS2 Performance
Recorder |
Personal ,Social and Health Education (PSHE)
Please follow this link for useful websites for families and children
Our PSHE curriculum aims to prepare each child for their life in the wider world, both as children and as adults. We look to develop the child as a whole person, able to make their own informed decisions, knowing how their actions can affect others, and how they can keep themselves safe. They will be encouraged to make a valued contribution to the school and society as a whole.
PSHE is taught in blocks in Key Stages 1 and 2 and as an integral part of the Early Years curriculum. The PSHE Association toolkit and Long Term Plan are available to staff to aid planning. These suggest key questions and areas for discussion but will be enhanced and developed to ensure that the curriculum meets the needs of individual classes. Lessons may be used for specific eventualities e.g. child bereavement. Links are made to other subject areas whenever possible, especially RE, science and computing to ensure a cross curricular approach to learning.
For our long term plan please follow this link.
Each year group will focus on a different aspect of the topic so that children gain a deeper understanding as they progress through the school. Their knowledge and skills from each year group is built upon in the next year and throughout their time in school.
During the year, children will take part in themed weeks which reflect different aspects of the PSHE curriculum. These will include Anti-Bullying Week, Road Safety Week, Diversity Week and Mental Health Awareness.
Relationships and Sex Education is a key aspect of PSHE teaching as it allows pupils to learn about the emotional, social and physical aspects of growing up, relationships, sex, sexuality and sexual health. It supports pupils in gaining accurate information, developing skills and forming positive beliefs, values and attitudes. It also gives pupils essential skills for building positive, enjoyable, respectful, loving and non-exploitative relationships by staying safe both on and offline and enabling them to take responsibility for their body, relationships, reproduction, sexual health and wellbeing.
The government’s statutory guidance for RSE is organised around five key themes, which will form the basis of learning across the school:
- families and people who care for me;
- caring friendships;
- respectful relationships;
- online relationships;
- being safe.
Our approach to RSE will be conducted within a clear morals and values framework based on the following principles:
- The value of stable and loving relationships
- Respect, understanding and empathy towards others who may have different backgrounds, cultures, sexuality, feelings and views.
- The development of relationships, including sexual relationships, based on mutual consent, rather than coercion.
- The right not to be abused by other people or to be taken advantage of
- The right of people to follow their own sexuality, within legal parameters.
We also believe that pupils have an entitlement to:
- Age and circumstance appropriate RSE
- Access to help from trusted adults and helping services
RSE involves consideration of a number of sensitive issues about which different people may hold strong and varying views. The school’s approach to RSE will be balanced and take account of, and be sensitive to, different viewpoints but will not be based on personal bias. We shall endeavour to have an approach that is educational, rather than one based on propaganda.
As with all aspects of learning, children are naturally curious and many will have questions related to their lessons. Opportunities to discuss questions form part of the lessons and again these are treated with care and understanding.
Leyburn Primary School PSHE LTP
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | ||||||||
Nursery – PSED | Settling in. Establishing rules and routines. | Play with others. Confidence to ask for help. |
Settling in. Establishing rules and routines. Selecting and using resources. |
Playing in a group. Accept the needs of others. Talk about feelings. |
Settling in. Establishing rules and routines. | Become more outgoing with unfamiliar people/social situations. | |||||||
Nursery – C&L |
Listening 1:1 and in small groups. Singing songs & rhymes. |
Conversations with adults and friends. | Developing sounds & sentences. | Use talk to organise their play. | Understand and respond to questions |
Listen to longer stories. Express a point of view. |
Nursery – PD |
Toilet & hand washing independence. Climb climbing frame ladder. Intro to PE |
Develop large movements. Use one-handed tools. |
Use and remember sequences and patterns of movements. Fundamentals |
Develop physical skills appropriate to task. |
Skip, hop, stand on one leg. Ball skills |
Pencil grip. Make healthy choices. |
Reception – PSED | Settling in. Establishing rules and routines. | Play with others. Confidence to ask for help. |
Settling in. Establishing rules and routines. Selecting and using resources. |
Playing in a group. Accept the needs of others. Talk about feelings. |
Settling in. Establishing rules and routines. | Become more outgoing with unfamiliar people/social situations. | |||||||
Reception – C&L |
Developing social phrases Songs & rhymes |
Ask questions Describe events |
Listen to stories & retell | Use connectives | Non-fiction books | Using talk to share ideas & work out problems | |||||||
Reception – PD | Introduction to PE | Fundamentals | Gymnastics | Dance | Ball Skills | Games | |||||||
Focus | Families and Friendships | Safe Relationships | Respecting Ourselves and Others | Belonging to a community | Media Literacy and Digital Resilience | Money and Work | Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing | Growing and Changing | Keeping Safe | ||||
Y1 |
Roles of different people; families; feeling cared for |
Recognising privacy; staying safe; seeking permission |
How behaviour affects others; being polite and respectful |
What rules are; caring for others’ needs; looking after the environment |
Using the internet and digital devices; communicating online |
Strengths and interests; jobs in the community |
Keeping healthy; food and exercise, hygiene routines; sun safety |
Recognising what makes them unique and special; feelings; managing when things go wrong |
How rules and age restrictions help us; keeping safe online | ||||
Y2 |
Making friends; feeling lonely and getting help |
Managing secrets; resisting pressure and getting help; recognising hurtful behaviour |
Recognising things in common and differences; playing and working cooperatively; sharing opinions |
Belonging to a group; roles and responsibilities; being the same and different in the community |
The internet in everyday life; online content and information |
What money is; needs and wants; looking after money |
Why sleep is important; medicines and keeping healthy; keeping teeth healthy; managing feelings and asking for help |
Growing older; naming body parts; moving class or year |
Safety in different environments; risk and safety at home; emergencies |
Y3 |
What makes a family; features of family life |
Personal boundaries; safely responding to others; the impact of hurtful behaviour |
Recognising respectful behaviour; the importance of self-respect; courtesy and being polite |
The value of rules and laws; rights, freedoms and responsibilities |
How the internet is used; assessing information online |
Different jobs and skills; job stereotypes; setting personal goals |
Health choices and habits; what affects feelings; expressing feelings |
Personal strengths and achievements; managing and reframing setbacks |
Risks and hazards; safety in the local environment and unfamiliar places |
Y4 |
Positive friendships, including online |
Responding to hurtful behaviour; managing confidentiality; recognising risks online |
Respecting differences and similarities; discussing difference sensitively |
What makes a community; shared responsibilities |
How data is shared and used |
Making decisions about money; using and keeping money safe |
Maintaining a balanced lifestyle; oral hygiene and dental care |
Physical and emotional changes in puberty; external genitalia; personal hygiene routines; support with puberty |
Medicines and household products; drugs common to everyday life
Y5 | Managing friendships and peer influence | Physical contact and feeling safe |
Responding respect- fully to a wide range of people; recognising prejudice and discrimination |
Protecting the environment; compassion towards others |
How information online is targeted; different media types, their role and impact |
Identifying job interests and aspirations; what influences career choices; workplace stereotypes |
Healthy sleep habits; sun safety; medicines, vaccinations, immunisations and allergies |
Personal identity; recognising individuality and different qualities; mental wellbeing |
Keeping safe in different situations, including responding in emergencies, first aid and FGM |
Y6 |
Evaluating media sources; sharing things online |
Recognising and managing pressure; consent in different situations
Expressing opinions and respecting other points of view, including discussing topical issues |
Valuing diversity; challenging discrimination and stereotypes |
Attraction to others; romantic relationships; civil partnership and marriage
Influences and attitudes to money; money and financial risks |
What affects mental health and ways to take care of it; managing change, loss and bereavement; managing time online |
Human reproduction and birth; increasing independence; managing transition |
Keeping personal information safe; regulations and choices; drug use and the law; drug use and the media
Physical Education
Reading at Leyburn
Reading has a high priority across the school and we have done much work to continually improve our provision and book stock. We fully understand that children have to have both the skill and the will to read so we make sure that both strands are as strong as they can be.
We carefully follow Little Wandle Letters and Sounds as our systematic synthetic phonics program for children in Reception and Year 1, with the aim that children from Year 2 onwards are taught ‘whole class’ reading. Any children who require extra support, including those in KS2, are taught using the same resource.
Please follow the link to our whole school progression:
Religious Education and Collective Worship
We follow the Agreed Syllabus for North Yorkshire with units planned to have a clear and systematic progression both within and across year groups, building on prior knowledge.
Our rationale for religious education can be found here.
The right to withdrawal from RE was first granted when ‘religious education’ was ‘religious instruction’ and carried with it connotations of induction into the Christian faith. RE has been very different to this for some time. It is inclusive and wide-ranging, exploring a range of religious and non-religious worldviews. However, in the UK, parents still have the right to withdraw their children from RE on the grounds that they wish to provide their own religious education.
The following units are taught in each year:
EYFS | Which stories are special and why? |
Which places are special and why? Visit to church |
Which people are special and why? Where do we belong? |
What is special about our world and why? | |||
Ongoing throughout the year – Which times are special and why? Family customs and routines. – Harvest, Christmas and Easter | |||||||
Year 1 Judaism introduced |
Who is a Christian and what do they believe? |
What makes some places sacred?
Visit to a local church |
Who is Jewish and what do they believe?
Visit to a synagogue
How should we care for others and the world and why does it matter? | |||
Ongoing throughout the year – Which times are special to Christians and why? Harvest, Christmas and Easter | |||||||
Year 2 Islam introduced |
Who is a Muslim and what do they believe? Visit to a mosque |
How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times? Ramadan and Eid |
How should we care for others, the world and why does it matter? | ||||
Year 3 Judaism revisited Hinduism introduced |
What do different people believe about God? | Why are festivals important to religious communities? | Why do people pray? |
What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today? Visits from representatives from local churches |
Year 4 Non-religious worldview (Humanism) introduced |
Why is Jesus inspiring to some people? |
What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today? Visit to Hindu temple |
Why do some people think that life is a journey? | What can we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong? | |||
Year 5 Islam revisited |
What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today? Visit to a different mosque Why do some people think God exists? (Contrast Christians and non-religious world view ) |
What would Jesus do? |
Arts & architecture or charity & generosity? Visit to Durham Cathedral (Christians, Muslims and non-religious)
Green religion – What do religious and non-religious worldviews teach about caring for the Earth? |
Why do some people think that God exists? | ||
Year 6
What matters most to Christianity and Humanism Visit from a humanist speaker and local Christian representatives do religions say to us when life gets hard? (Christianity, + Hinduism) |
If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship? (Christianity, Hinduism and Judaism) Visit to places of worship in Leyburn |
What do religions say to us when life gets hard? Christianity, Hinduism and Humanism? |
What can be done to reduce racism? Can religion help?
What difference does it make to believe in ahisma (harmlessness), grace and/or Ummah (community)? (Christianity, Islam and Hinduism) |
We have a range of visits and visitors planned for the children so that they develop a strong and progressive understanding of faith, community and religious practice.
Collective Worship
Our Collective Worship promotes British values including democracy (local, national and international), the rule of law, mutual respect, individual liberty and tolerance of different faiths and cultures. This includes national and internationally celebrated religious events and notable national days and events. Additionally, assemblies and collective worship at Leyburn Primary School recognise the need to respond to and discuss world events as they occur; for example, outbreak of war or disease or the death of a respected person.
Our rationale for science can be found here.
Leyburn Primary School Science LTP
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Nursery |
Explore natural materials. |
Explore materials, their properties and differences. |
Growing plants. Lifecycles. |
Respect and care for the natural environment. |
Reception |
Talk about family. Name & describe people who are familiar. |
Changing states of matter – melting & freezing. |
Plant and animal lifecycles. |
The seasons and the weather – Changes in the natural environment |
Y1 |
Our bodies and senses |
Materials |
Winter |
Animals |
Autumn |
Plants and Trees |
Seasons |
Y2 |
Habitats |
Materials |
Animals, including humans |
Plants |
Y3 |
Rocks and soils |
Light |
Forces and magnets |
Plants |
Animals including humans |
Y4 |
Living Things and their habitats |
Electricity |
Animals including humans |
Changes of State |
Sound |
Y5 |
Properties and changes of materials |
Properties and changes of materials |
Earth and Space |
Forces |
Living things and their habitats (life cycles) |
Animals including humans (puberty) |
Y6 |
Electricity |
Light |
Living things (classification) |
Evolution |
Animals including humans (human circulatory system, diet, drugs and lifestyle, nutrients) |