
Leyburn Primary School Local Governing Body

Roles and Responsibilities

As a Governing Body, we have a responsibility to support and monitor how the pupils at Leyburn Primary School are educated, ensure that we make best use of the resources we are provided with and help, develop and monitor the School Development Plan so that every child receives the best possible education.

In all schools, the three core strategic functions of the Local Governing Body are:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.

Governance Arrangements

The Local Governing Body is made up of:

The headteacher

1 Staff Governor

2 Parent Governors

Up to 5 Co-opted Governors


We have a programme of meetings throughout the school year, copies of the signed minutes of previous meetings showing attendance at these meetings are available for public viewing and are held at the school. Currently, our clerk is Dominique Adams. 

Leyburn Primary School Governing Body – membership

Currently, we are made up of the following members:

Governor Name Category of Governor   Term of office expiry date
Sarah Beveridge Headteacher N/A
Richard Jowett Chair of Governors 17/06/2024
Matt Dilworth Co-opted Governor 26/09/2026
Corie Dales Staff Governor 18/01/2027
Sarah Doherty Parent governor 05/12/2028
Harriet Hunter-Smart Co-opted Governor 09/06/2027
Leigh Carmichael Co-opted Governor 05/02/2028
Lynn Peacock Co-opted Governor  09/10/2027
Pippa Turner Parent Governor 05/12/2028

Leyburn Primary School Local Governing Body Record of Attendance

Academic Year 2023-24 Update September 2024