The pupils at Leyburn Primary School are polite, well-mannered and keen to learn. Of course, all members of staff have high expectations of all pupils in both their learning and social behaviours but we also know that the pupils enjoy being recognised for these. As a way to recognise and celebrate this, since September 2015, the pupils in KS2 have begun collecting Class Dojo points. This is an online tool which keeps a continuous record of pupils’ points and what they have been awarded for. Parents are able to log in and see these if they wish, but this is not necessary. It is also a way for parents and carers to keep in touch with their child’s teacher and the current learning focus. All parents and carers have a login and the site can be accessed here.
Please contact school if you are having any difficulties in logging in.
As this is an individual reward system, at the end of each half-term, the points are collated for the pupils in each of our Houses (Scaur, Fell, Dale, Moor), including those from KS1 team points and the winning house can choose the activity the school takes part in for Golden time in the last week of the half-term. All pupils (and staff!) benefit from this fun afternoon, working collaboratively with children from their own house and from across the year groups.
The pupils’ response so far has been positive. Here are some comments from the pupils:
Dojos are good because you can customise your avatar and be really creative! Katelyn & Henry
It’s nice to get awarded for your hard work, perseverance and initiative. Rhys & Henry
It’s good that parents can see our progress at home. Katie
Dojos add up to a great Golden afternoon! Sam